Cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Commerce

we are part of another important chamber, which has 16,000 members. We will thus be able to offer our services to a wide range of employers.

We work in the magazine "FOR CITIES AND MUNICIPALITIES"

REVITAL SOLUTIONS s.r.o. started contributing topics in the magazine, which is published every month in the number of 2500 copies. On 5.8.2019, we published the first contribution in the Finance category. We already have more articles in the newsroom that will be published on September 5, 2019. These topics are directed at mayors and secretaries.

Confederation of Industry and Transport

On July 1, 2019, REVITAL SOLUTIONS s.r.o. became a member of the Confederation of Industry and Transport. It is a union that has 11,000 members.

On September 26, 2019, REVITAL SOLUTIONS s.r.o. had the opportunity to speak publicly at the SPaD, where we explained to members the possibilities of solving employees in executions and thus give employers tools for stabilizing the tribe of employees.

First seminar at the Confederation of Industry and Transport

On September 26, 2019, REVITAL SOLUTIONS s.r.o. had the opportunity to speak publicly at the SPaD, where we explained to members the possibilities of solving employees in executions and thus give employers tools for stabilizing the tribe of employees.

Children's home on The North Terrace

On September 26, the executives of REVITAL SOLUTIONS s.r.o. met children who are just before entering real life at the Children's Home on North Terrace. Topics related to executions were discussed. This was a prevention where there was an open discussion that brought a lot of information to help children . Mr. Tůma dedicated the book "Tchod with Misfortune" to the children's home, which he presented with dedication. These are 13 stories he personally experienced while working for the enforcement agency. The book will be baptized on 1.10.

Book launch, "The No to Happiness"

An important event in personal life is the baptism of a book. Mr. Jiří Tůma wrote a book, "The Shop with No Happiness", which describes 13 stories from the life of a bailiff. This event was attended by several guests from the City Council of Usti nad Labem, the bailiff , the media and also the general public.

Social Dialogue Rapporteur

Another success of REVITAL SOLUTIONS is an article in the newsletter, where 11,000 members have the opportunity to present a PROTEXO product that addresses employees in executions by linking to the article