Let us get them out of this enforcement issue and municipalities The execution of citizens is still a topical and thorny issue. The state has been trying to eliminate this problem for a long time and reverse its current negative impact on society. The steps he is taking in this regard only partially address the situation and the expected effect is minimal so far. Let us remember, for example, the amendment to the Insolvency Act in place from June this year. The state promised that citizens would enter insolvency en masse, the way their foreclosure problem would be solved. However, despite the notional zero that the debt
or is guilty of paying in insolvency for five years instead of the original 30%, this is not the case. Those who carefully study the new conditions for insolvency will find that the new law is ultimately worse for the debtor than the original law. So did he want to help citizens effectively in execution, or was it just a symbolic gesture that in practice will bring n
othing?defence idle Citizens who are faced with executions often do not know what to do, how the bailiff can proceed in their case and that even enforcement can be effectively combated. Some of the debtors give the impression that they are not very interested in dealing with their often desperate situation, that they lack responsibility, that they are "
sticking their head in the sand" before the problem. I have been actively engaged in debt and enforcement advice for several years and I have to say that we cannot put all debtors in the same bag. For many of them, outwardly, the lack of interest is rather a defence caused by ignorance of the issue. However, if someone shows them an imaginary light at the end of the tunnel, many borrowers will understand that they have a chance to get out of the problem and will start actively cooperating on the s
olution.inSolvence may not be the best solution In order to help debtors solve their problems, many counselling services have been created, especially in the non-profit sector, which focus on explaining the basics of financial literacy and procedures for dealing with executions and communication with the authorities. The advantage is that they offer their advice to both debtors themselves and municipalities free of charge. The downside is that the representatives of these counselling rooms are mostly students or young people with no long-term experience in dealing with executions, and even with all their efforts and goodwill, they are rarely able to find the most advantageous way for the debtor to solve them. In most cases, it happens that representatives of such counselling firms simply send debtors into insolvency without seeing any other possible more advantageous solution. Assistance o
f municipalities It is necessary In many cases of enforcement proceedings, the bailiff must also notify the relevant municipality in which the debtor lives. Therefore, some municipalities are well aware of which citizens are facing executions. It can more or less be said that most municipalities have experience with this phenomenon. If such a debtor could confidently turn to the municipality in which he lives with confidence, and he was able to advise him effectively on the procedure for solving his problem, not only would enforcement begin to wane, but the relationship of municipalities with their citizens would also increase, while citizens' trust in the municipality would increase. The municipal authority is a place where well-informed officials work and offer a safe environment for citizens. The first authorities are already emerging to actively assist their indebted citizens in resolving their situations and are looking for really effective ways to reduce the number of executions. Given the ever-increasing number of debtors and the negative concomitant effects that citizens' executions bring with them (lower living standards, rising crime, poverty, family breakdown, depression, pathological addiction, etc.), this enlightened view can bring about a stable improvement for all concerned. The necessary costs of further training and training of selected officials in the field of effective execution solutions and cooperation with external experts in case of isolated complicated enforcement cases may not ultimately be very high. If municipalities go in this direction, it will have a significant positive effect in the fight against executions, and the current negative trend in citizens' indebtedness could indeed be reversed. It would help both debtors and the municipalities in which they live. ●
Jiří Tůma, Revital Solutions

PREVENTION of executions in schools

Many media outlets have recently reported on how many people are burdened with execution. Executions are faced by all ages, from the youngest to the elderly. On average, one person faces 7 executions. Many people get into trouble knowingly and purposefully, but there are not many who will be hit by this blow simply because they do not know how to react in financi
al distress. FiNanční graMotNost Is not enough to avoid executions as much as possible for the coming young generation, effective prevention is needed. Today, financi
al literacy is taught in schools. In class, he discusses how to farm, how much to save and how much to spend, but is that enough? Our company decided to address school facilities, but also children's homes, for example. Why did we target these subjects? We think that in school, and I mean the second stage of an elementary school or secondary school, education on the subject of execution is very important. Children are already encountering this concept, many parents are struggling with execution or its threat. Information that reaches them through children can help them. Education in children's homes is very important. A lot of kids
leave a children's home and find themselves in a financial trap that their parents could have gotten them into. In the case of outstanding waste payments, if the parent is responsible for the debt, the state even prohibited the execution of children. But young adults are easy prey to non-bank companies – you just have to read an enticing ad. Pitfalls can come from another side, and getting
out of debts that are constantly mounting can be very difficult. How they're already looking for loopholes and reasons for borrowing and defaulting. They listen to arguments from parents or acquaintances and think nothing can happen to them. In this case, it is necessary to intervene, communicate right in the fetus and give the children basic information to use in cases when they get into a financial trap. Here is the space for municipalities and cities, as founders of schools and educational facilities, to enter into this issue more innovatively and, at least in the coming generation, to seek a change of mindset. In the future, this will put a clear stop to further massive debt for citizens. ●
Jiří Tůma, Revital Solutions